Ball Gag

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Those who appreciate BDSM games will probably have already heard of and perhaps even used a Ball Gag, an accessory that can also be very interesting for approaching power games and trying something new with your partner. Apparently cruel and intimidating, Ball Gags are actually super fun and sexy sex toys: if you are curious about how to use this toy, which one to choose and what things are important to know for correct use, we will try to clarify your ideas in this article.

What is a Ball Gag?

A Ball Gag is a very common sex toy in BDSM games, generally consisting of a rubber or silicone ball to which a strap is attached, which can be fixed on the wearer's head. In practice, this accessory is used as a gag (in English "gag", precisely), with the aim of preventing the wearer from speaking, without obviously creating breathing problems.

The diver wearing the Ball Gag cannot articulate words, but can make sounds and cries, and will most likely find himself drooling uncontrollably, experiencing a sort of exciting torture under the control of his Master or Mistress.

How Ball Gags were born and when they became sexy

Ball Gags were not born purely as sexual tools, but later became one for the reasons we will see later. Ball gags, in fact, were initially used in the medical field to perform procedures such as electroconvulsive therapy on patients, ensuring that they had something to bite and remained silent, but also to torture, silence and humiliate prisoners. war, in a practice that is certainly not very human and ethical.

Over time, the use of Ball Gags has become increasingly widespread in the sexual field, particularly among those who practice BDSM, primarily to experiment with powerplay between a dominant partner and a submissive.

Not being able to speak or control the drool and finding themselves in a situation of particular helplessness and vulnerability, those who wear the Ball Gag experience a situation of extreme excitement in which all control is ceded into the hands of the Dom.

Very often, the Ball Gag is also used as a means to humiliate or punish the submissive, even in combination with handcuffs or ropes that prevent movement, for example during a whipping session or to force a cuckold to watch the own woman having sex with the bull without being able to say anything or intervene.

In short, very versatile for domination and submission games, the Ball Gag offers many options of use, adapting best to the fantasies of the partners. But what are the main types of Ball Gags on the market?

Traditional Ball Gag

The most famous and used Ball Gag is clearly the one equipped with a central ball, to be inserted into the wearer's mouth, and a strap used to secure the device around the head. The ball is usually made of silicone or rubber and can have more particular shapes to give greater variety to the game. There are, among other things, Ball Gags for beginners with useful breathing holes to make use easier and more comfortable.

Bar Gag

The Bar Gag differs from the classic Ball Gag because, instead of the ball, it is equipped with a horizontal bar that the diver holds between his teeth. Compared to the Ball Gag, the bar gag facilitates breathing and leaves more space for the wearer to make sounds, making it a good choice even for beginners.

Lip Gags

Another particular type of gag is the Lip Gag, which is characterized by the presence of a plastic mouth expander in the shape of enormous lips, which can be inserted into the wearer's mouth to prevent him from closing it. This type of gag forces the mouth to open and can be used for "forced" oral sex practices.

O-Ring Gag

Another type of mouth gag is the O-ring gag, i.e. with a plastic or metal ring that is inserted into the diver's mouth to replace the classic ball. The wearer can bite it and this prevents the wearer from closing their mouth, promoting better breathing and allowing the wearer to make more sounds.

Spider Gags

The Spider Gag is quite similar to the O-ring gag, having a metal ring in the center, but also features four metal spiers extending out from the ring. The metal O-ring is inserted into the submissive's mouth while the four protruding coils hold it securely in place, so the wearer cannot spit out the ring.

Dildo Gag

A last particular type of gag for BDSM games is the Dildo Gag, which instead of the ball or ring has a small dildo to be inserted into the wearer's mouth, giving the sensation of a prolonged blowjob or even a deepthroat, in based on size. Not only that, this type of gag can also be characterized by a double dildo, i.e. one internal and one external, with the latter being of various sizes and shapes and which is usually used by the Mistresses to be penetrated using them as they wish for this purpose the face of the slave.

How to choose the right Ball Gag

Among BDSM accessories, Ball Gags are certainly one of the safest options and also suitable for beginners' play, however it is good to take some important aspects into account before using them. As with all sex toys, first of all it is important to choose the gag best suited to your experience and personal preferences, so that you can always feel at ease during use: not all Ball Gags, in fact, are the same and sensations can change significantly between one product and another.

If you are a complete beginner, for example, you may want to choose a ball gag that is super breathable, such as a bar gag, a Ball Gag with breathing holes, or simply an O-ring gag. Also, if you've never used one before, you may be better off using one made of silicone or rubber rather than metal, as these materials are much gentler on your mouth and teeth.

Finally, do not underestimate the size of the ball, obviously preferring a smaller gag if you are just starting out and increasing as you become more familiar and the game becomes more difficult, and the aesthetic factor, choosing something that is also attractive to the eye. .

How to use Ball Gags safely

When undertaking any type of BDSM experience, safety should always be at the forefront, after all we know how important it is that this type of game meets the SSC criteria (i.e. "Safe, Sane and Consensual"). Usually in a domination session you always choose a safe word to possibly interrupt everything in case of difficulty, but since Ball Gags prevent people from talking it is important to find an alternative. An effective way to communicate with your partner can be to agree on a safety signal in place of a word: for example, the gagged partner could hold a handkerchief to wave or drop to indicate that the scene needs to be paused or interrupted, or clap with the hand or show a certain sign to indicate the need to stop. It is important, however, that the dominant partner also carries out regular checks and is ready to recognize the signal immediately.

As regards more specifically the use of the Ball Gag, it is not recommended to wear a gag for prolonged periods of time, especially if you are a beginner: it is better to take breaks at most every twenty minutes and then start the game again. Furthermore, if you are playing with more than one restraint system, be careful not to leave the sub alone in the room, because the gag may need to be removed and the possible use of handcuffs, ropes or other accessories could make this impossible.

On the subject of safety, pay attention to hygiene: as with all other toys, it is important to make sure you always keep the gag clean. Since our saliva contains bacteria, it is important to clean the Ball Gag properly after each use to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria: washing is simple and can be done with a little neutral soap and warm water, before putting the Ball Gag away well dry with other sex toys. For an extra level of hygiene, purchasing a disinfectant spray may be helpful.

It's not just about sex

Playing with a Ball Gag is not just a question of sex: BDSM, in fact, usually affects the mental sphere even before the physical one and, from this point of view, gags can be a very intriguing way of diving into a game of power with your partner, broadening the spectrum of sensations to experience together.

Once immersed in this world, it will then be possible to evaluate the addition of other toys based on the experience. For example, it could be fun to experiment with orgasm control while gagged or to combine the sensations of the Ball Gag with other sensory limitation tools, such as blindfolds, enriching an already rich picture of exciting nuances.

We are sure that, once you try it, you will never tire of using a Ball Gag, especially when used with different toys and accessories, always finding different ways to explore pleasure with your partner.

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