Male Masturbation

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There's a good chance you became obsessed with masturbation as soon as you discovered it. Real?

After your first orgasm you did nothing but think about it, constantly. On the other hand, the whole ritual is pleasant, from the moment you start masturbating to when the orgasm arrives. It's just fantastic.

But perhaps you don't know that, in addition to providing pleasure, masturbation also has several health benefits, ranging from reducing the risk of certain diseases to increasing satisfaction during sex with your partner.

In other words, masturbation is great for your physical and emotional health.

This is why masturbating, even when you have sexual intercourse with a regular partner, is still something you should do regularly, for at least 10 valid reasons.

1. Masturbation can reduce the risk of prostate cancer

A 2004 study found that men with prostates who ejaculated more than 21 times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by about 33 percent, compared to those who did the same only four to seven times. per month. In 2016, researchers did a follow-up with the same group as in 2004 and found that those who ejaculated 8 to 12 times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 10 percent.

2. Improves erection quality

As we age, it's natural to lose muscle tone, including in the pelvic area.

Regular sex or masturbation trains the pelvic floor muscles, thus preventing problems of erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

Masturbation "keeps the angle of the penis vigorous," says Dr. and sexologist Gloria Brame. This is because the smooth muscle of the penis needs oxygen, which is supplied whenever there is a flow of blood to the member (i.e. when an erection occurs).

Try to do this three to five times a week for solid, long-lasting results.

3. Improves stamina during sexual intercourse

In some cases, men may find it difficult to last long in bed, simply because they haven't had enough experience, whether as a couple or alone. If you recognize yourself in this situation, the habit of masturbating regularly could help extend the duration of your sexual intercourse. “Masturbating an hour before a date will give you more control,” says Dr. Brame.

You can practice by measuring how long it takes you to reach orgasm, as suggested by Ava Cadell, Doctor of Psychology and founder of the love counseling program Loveology University. If you usually spend two minutes alone, try aiming for three next time, or counting the number of stimulations it takes to reach your pleasure point.

Practice makes perfect, right? :)

4. Strengthens immune defenses

Ejaculation increases levels of the hormone cortisol, as reported by Dr. Jennifer Landa, an expert in hormone therapy. Cortisol, often stigmatized as a chaos-wreaking stress hormone, actually helps regulate and preserve the immune system when present in limited quantities.

“Masturbation can help create the ideal environment for a more robust immune system,” says Dr. Landa.

5. Improves mood

Masturbation releases a number of feel-good neurochemicals, such as prolactin, dopamine and oxytocin, hormones connected with a sense of well-being and relaxation.

“An orgasm is the greatest dopamine rush available without the use of narcotics,” says Dr. Brame.

This applies to everyone, regardless of the type of genitals involved.

6. It can promote sleep

There are several methods to improve sleep quality, including consuming certain foods. But masturbation can also help: reaching orgasm releases chemicals such as prolactin, serotonin and oxytocin in the brain, all related to feelings of happiness and relaxation. Therefore, if you notice that you struggle to sleep at night, a quick visit to our video section might be worth it.

7. It can prolong life

Yes, that's right: According to a study of 1,000 men conducted in Wales over the course of 20 years, those who had two or more orgasms per week had half the mortality rate of those who had fewer than that amount per month. .

8. Improves skin

Orgasm increases blood flow to the skin, causing blood vessels to dilate; for some people, this can result in slight redness on the cheeks, or better known as the post-sex "glow" effect. And what's even better? The oxytocin released with orgasm can reduce inflammation, making pimples and skin irritations less noticeable.

9. It helps to know your body

Of course, you might think you know your body pretty well, especially if you started masturbating at a young age. However, it's always helpful to explore new experiences and keep up to date with what your body likes and doesn't like.

Knowing your body in more depth also helps you better communicate your preferences to your partner, helping to make sex more satisfying for everyone involved.

10. Improves heart health

Unlike the popular belief that vigorous sex can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, regular orgasms may, in fact, help protect you from cardiovascular disease.

A study conducted as part of the Massachusetts Aging Study found that men who had sex once a month or less were 45 percent more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who had two or more orgasms a month. week. This study only looked at orgasms resulting from partnered sex, but it doesn't seem like a stretch to assume that the benefits extend to time spent alone as well. After all, an orgasm is an orgasm, whether you're with a partner or your favorite device.

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